
The Best Fairy Tales

A fairy-tale treasure trove

Thirty cherry-picked stories by Andersen and Grimm come to life in this lovingly illustrated bilingual edition. The interweaving of English and German, allows readers to playfully become learn another language, and also experience how these stories inherently transform in the words of another culture.

More than 220 illustrations bring light to children's eyes and charme adults. 460 large format pages designed on fine sustainably produced paper guarantee hours to fly. The cover itself betrays attention to detail with its elaborate embossing of the title illustration of Little Red Riding Hood.

We decided to produce a second edition of 800 books due to the high demand and despite the insanely increased paper costs.


Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Aschenputtel – Ashputtel

Das Lumpengesindel – The Pack of Ragamuffins

Daumesdick – Tom Tumb

Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich – The Frog King or Iron Heinrich

Der gestiefelte Kater – Puss in Boots

Der Wettlauf zwischen dem Hasen und dem Igel – The Hare and the Hedgehog

Der süße Brei – Sweet Porridge

Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein – The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids

Die goldene Gans – The golden Goose

Die Sterntaler – The Star Talers

Rotkäppchen – Little Red Riding Hood

Hans im Glück – Hans in Luck

Hänsel und Gretel – Hansel and Gretel

Frau Holle – Mother Holle

Das tapfere Schneiderlein – The Vailiant Tailor

Schneewittchen – Snow White

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten – The Travelling Musicians

Dornröschen – Little Briar Rose

König Drosselbart – King Thrushbeard

Rapunzel – Rapunzel

Rumpelstilzchen – Rumpelstiltskin

Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot – Snow-White and Rose-Red

Tischchen deck dich Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack –

The Wishing-Table The Gold-Ass and the Cudgel in the Sack

Vom Fischer und seiner Frau – The Fisherman and His Wife

Hans Christian Andersen

Das hässliche Entlein – The ugly Duckling

Däumelinchen – Thumbelina

Der standhafte Zinnsoldat – The Brave Tin Soldier

Des Kaisers neue Kleider – The Emperor‘s new Clothes

Die kleine Seejungfrau – The Little Mermaid

Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse – The Princess on the Pea

The Märchengut Cobblers

Once upon a time, there were two neighbours who, despite a certain age difference, came to appreciate each other’s company and enjoyed sharing pleasantly tranquil moments. After a time of living close to each other, as life goes, their ways parted for a while, the younger woman travelled the world. One fine day, however, their paths crossed once more; and as they exchanged stories, they noticed their kindred passion for old fairy tales and their characters. At that moment, a spark ignited between them and a book project started taking shape, which was soon named Märchengut. Five years of diligent drawing, preparation and composition followed. And, if you are reading this today, it is in your hands, ready to tell you its own stories...

Katja Mackens-Hassler
(Painting / Illustration)

Born and raised in Hamburg-Blankenese. Katja Mackens-Hassler has been working as a freelance artist and illustrator since 1955, following her graduation from Hamburg’s Armgartstraße art college, where she studied under professors Wilhelm M. Busch and Otto Rhuts.

Anja Wegner
(Graphic Design)

Born and raised in Brandenburg, south of Berlin. After studying communication design in Hamburg and graduating in1999, Anja Wegner started her own design agency based in Hamburg as well as beside the Schaalsee lake.

Development History

Would you like to know something about the making of the book?
Then have a look here.

Märchenlädchen Shop

Märchengut – limited edition

Hardcover limited edition of 30 handpicked fairy tale classics in German & English ISBN 978-3-00-066578-3

• large library format 20.5 x 26.0 cm
• over 220 illustrations• printed on 150 g FSC-certified uncoated paper
• half cloth binding with elaborate embossing & ribbon marker
• First edition of 800 sold out!
• Second edition now available.

incl. VAT excl. shipping

Enamel Mug Rumpelstiltskin

Small unevenness and manual work provide a robust outdoor look.

• Classic outdoor shape - filling volume: 300 ml
• Height: approx. 80 mm, Weight: approx. 135 g
• Dishwasher-safe, unbreakable

19,50 Euro
incl. VAT excl. shipping

Contact & Order

werkstatt no.8
Papenhuder Straße 35
22087 Hamburg


+49 172 16 8888 1

If you would like to know more about Märchengut and its availability?
We look forward to hearing from you.

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